
Question about confidentiality with therapists.?

Hi,I did the following:

Question about confidentiality with therapists.?I am currently fifteenth years of age.
I've suffered from symptoms of social & generalized anxiety since I was in fourth grade. I believe it started when my parents marriage began to deteriorate because of the perpetual fighting, yelling, arguing that was occurring. Back then I used to be anxious & I'd know why I was, because it there was constantly the prospect of them divorcing or us getting kicked out of our house(by the time they did divorce I was ecstatic). I also have a strong level of anxiety in social/performance situations - which has affected many aspects of my school life, I've declined summer programs if I know that I have to do a face to face interview(every single summer program offered), I'm panicky/anxious all the time in high school all the time - I'm currently in the 11th grade.

I've attempted to get assistance with my mental health since 5th grade, when I identified with the things about anxiety in a Psychology Today mag. I've been asking my mom and telling her that I have symptoms of anxiety all the time(probably about 65% of the day) like rapid heart rate, sweaty palms, nausea. And it's getting progressively worse.

My mother suffers from clinical depression, panic attacks, anxiety, fibromyalgia, chronic lower back pain, she's had 5 major back surgeries & is on a lot of medication.

So because of the things that my mother is going through she tends to act in a very verbally abusive manner(it's not intentional - it's because of her meds) & because of the pressure of school my levels & physical manifestations of anxiety are becoming constant nuances in my life, to the point that I'm waking up in the morning & 5 minutes late I'm already getting anxious for no reason. Cardio & strength training used to help a lot to control it, but I've recently(within the last 2 months) began non-suicidal self injury as means of self regulation for the anxiety.

My mother finally got me a therapist after like 5 years of my complaining. I've told her about my anxiety & she kinda blows it off like "Ohh everybody has some anxiety" - but I really think I need help. I want to tell her that I self mutilate so she takes my anxiety seriously so I can not be anxious anymore & stop cutting. But if I tell her that I self mutilate & she tells my mother - that would proliferate my anxiety and cause trouble in the long run.

So is she required by law to tell my mother? Even if it would cause problems in the long run?

Therapists are required by law to keep all conversation between them and the patient. They are not aloud to discuss it with anyone else. The only EXCEPTIONS to this is if the patient is doing something to harm themselves or somebody else. Usually though the therapist gives the patient a little time to tell the parent or guardian themselves.

Helpful answer below. Learn more about anxiety disorders, including types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

Orignal From: Question about confidentiality with therapists.?

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