
Can I please get a diagnosis for my friend (symptoms listed in question)?

These are useful and collceted by hao!

Can I please get a diagnosis for my friend (symptoms listed in question)?In addition to numbness, she claims that she'll get very dizzy if she even sits up sometimes and won't be able to see everything because "everything goes blurry and then black and [she gets] this rush of heat in [her] head". She said that her mouth is extremely dry, her eyes are watering/burning, and she is often very cold...although I'm not sure if those are unrelated symptoms related to winter or allergies. She experiences difficulty breathing especially, elevated heart rate, extreme anxiety, and frequent depression. She'll get really frightened I suppose and bears almost no trace of happiness when going through all of this. When I dropped her the Wikipedia link for panic attack, she claimed that she experienced all of those symptoms.

She currently is on antidepressants (I believe Parnate), although I suspect her use of them is somewhat erratic or not as regular as it should be. She claims that the "panic attacks", if they are that, were not affected at all in frequency or severity with or without the medication. She also experiences frequent nightmares and, as she puts it, "starts seeing things".

She's a 14 year old petite teenage girl with a typically introverted, shy personality.

I've included everything I can think of, and I'm sure a lot of my information you may find unnecessary. Anyways, all I'm asking for is:

1. What is my friend's diagnosis? What's wrong with her and what exactly is she experiencing?
2. What might be the cause, and what could be done to prevent and cease the "whole package" from occurring (or at least decrease the frequency and severity)?

she must be a jew.

hey, sorry to hear your friend is unwell. yes, those are symptoms of panic attacks but nearly also all of them are symptoms of an eating disorder. how ever you have not mentioned anything anout her eating so im not sure. best way is to go to a doctor. good luck xx

that could be a number of things. how long has she been this way? i dont want to scare her or anything, but she should have extensive screenings of different kinds of cancers done. im sorry if it is.

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Orignal From: Can I please get a diagnosis for my friend (symptoms listed in question)?

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